It helps to start your time at college off on the right foot. Here are a few things you can do even before you begin classes to improve your chances of a successful semester.
Pay Your Tuition Fees on Time
Make sure you’ve paid the tuition for all your classes by the deadline, as paying late will likely mean you incur a penalty. Bear in mind that you could also face fees if your payment method is declined.
Check Each Syllabus
Thoroughly read the syllabus for each class to know what to expect. Make a note of due dates to start figuring out how you’ll allocate your time if you have several projects due around the same date.
Reach Out to Your Professors
Send an email to each of your professors before the first day of class. This doesn’t need to be anything long: just introduce yourself and perhaps let your professors know why you’re taking the class or what you’re looking forward to learning. This is also a great opportunity to confirm what textbooks you need for classes, as there could be books on the syllabus you can go without or you may need a particular edition of a book.
Memorize Your Class Schedule
Commit to memory the days and times of your classes as well as their locations and the professors’ names. Until you’re sure that you’ve memorized your schedule, carry a copy with you and check it regularly throughout the day to avoid forgetting about a class or appointment.
Prepare Yourself for Studying
Get into the habit of reading every day to prepare yourself for all the required reading you’ll have. You could just work through your personal reading list or you could read books to help you prepare for the semester ahead. For instance, if some of your classes require you to have prior knowledge of a particular topic and you feel that your understanding is patchy, consider finding a few books related to this area.
Purchase School Supplies
Make sure you have all the supplies you need for your classes. As well as pens, pencils, and notebooks, you may need a calculator, some specialist equipment, and software.
Research Clubs to Join
Find the list of clubs at your college and attend the events they have for new students at the beginning of the semester. Decide which you’d like to join and whether you may be interested in running for an elected position at a student organization.
Know How to Reach Campus
To figure out how to get from your housing to campus in time for your first class, you’ll need to practice your commute. A couple days before classes start, leave at the right time and walk to the appropriate place on campus.
On the actual day, give yourself a little more time than you think you’ll need, as you may encounter traffic, struggle to find a parking spot, or suffer the bad luck of your bus arriving late.
Decide Where You’ll Sit
Before you enter each classroom, have an idea of where you want to sit. Otherwise, you could end up taking the first seat you notice — and it may not be the best choice. Most students find that they focus better, participate more, and can hear the professor more clearly when they sit at the front and in the middle. However, if you have several classes and will be using your laptop to take notes, you may need to pick a seat near an outlet to avoid running out of battery.
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